Rt. Rev. Brian C. Keneipp is the Executive Director of the American Headquarters of The Aetherius Society, a registered non-profit, religious, scientific and educational corporation, established in California in 1960.
Brian Keneipp worked over twenty years with The Aetherius Society founder, the late Dr. George King, a Western Master of Yoga. Brian was a key disciple of Dr. King and helped build The Aetherius Society and perform Spiritual missions on behalf of and for humanity in cooperation with the Ascended and Cosmic Masters.
He teaches the advanced form of Yoga practiced in The Aetherius Society - King Yoga, Brian is also actively involved in several field missions performed by The Aetherius Society, which Dr. King designed to help balance world Karma, to bring greater world peace and to aid in the salvation and enlightenment of mankind. He is a Bishop in the Aetherius Churches as well as co-editor of the New Age journal Cosmic Voice. Brian has lectured in America, Canada, England and New Zealand on a variety of New Age subjects. With a background in science and corporate management, he retains a balanced, common sense approach to the sometimes mysterious world of metaphysics.
As an author
Brian is an author and regular media guest. He is the co-author of Dr. King’s biography The King Who Came to Earth. Brian’s first book Operation Earth Light: A Glimpse into the World of The Ascended Masters is about the Cosmic Mission Operation Earth Light and includes some of Brian’s extraordinary experiences while working with Dr. King.
The Aetherius Society
The Aetherius Society was founded in 1955 in London, England by Western Master of yoga and early contactee, Dr. George King. It has grown throughout the years to its current worldwide status including having centers in Africa, America, Australia, Canada, Great Britain, Portugal and New Zealand.